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Kildea McMahon

Immerse Yourself: Four Study Abroad Tips

By: Kildea McMahon

During the summer of 2023, I was living my best life while studying abroad in Ireland. I participated in a three-week study abroad program in May, where we traveled to Dublin, Derry, and Galway. I was hesitant about going on this trip initially, but it was one of the best things I have ever done! 

Looking back, here are some tips I would give students who are preparing for their study abroad:

Tip #1: Get out of your comfort zone!

Put yourself out there and try new things! This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity so don’t leave with any regrets. Fully commit to the experience! Consider making a bucket list before you go on your trip, and try to check off as many things as possible before you return home.

Tip #2: Make new friends!

Try to make friends with the people in your study abroad group as soon as possible! You could ask fellow students to go to lunch, explore a new area, go on a hike, etc. Making friends in your group will help ease the transition from home. Also, be open to making friends with people outside your study abroad group! When I studied abroad, I was able to meet so many people who I most likely never would have otherwise!

Tip #3: Be ready to adapt to different situations!

Make sure to try your best to act respectfully wherever you are studying. For example, when studying in Ireland it was essential for us to be knowledgeable about the history and conflicts that have taken place. Also, be prepared for things to wrong, flights to get delayed, and to be in situations you’re not used to. It’s important to try to adapt as best as you can, listen to your instructors, and be safe!

Tip #4: Take time for yourself!

It’s easy to get caught up in all the activities, but don’t forget to take time for yourself! It’s hard sometimes to avoid getting FOMO (fear of missing out), but make sure you are listening to your body and practicing self-care. Also, try your best to stay in contact with family or friends back home- this will help ease homesickness. Consider sending them daily updates with pictures!

Keep these tips in mind and have an amazing time studying abroad!

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